Carbon Chemistry

Carbon Chemistry is a leading supplier of materials used in cannabinoid production, purification, and distillation. Through years of experience, they found manufacturers lacked a single, reliable source for acquiring chemicals used to make cannabis oil. They solve the problem by providing a variety of proven, hand-selected products for the industry.

Acid activated bentonite clay, contains carbon, low pH (3). Consistent particle size, good flow rate. Can be used for oil purification, distillation prep and pesticide removal.

Acid Activated Bleaching Clay, Low pH, Carbon Added

Item # T1038
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Size(s)

100kg, 14kg, 2kg, 8kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Hydrocarbon Extraction

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Activated Alumina

Item # A1087
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Size(s)

1.5kg, 110kg, 14kg, 7kg, 810kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Hydrocarbon Extraction

CAS # 1344-28-1
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pH 4.7 Acidic, Typically used for chromatography and as an aid for decolorizing.

Alumicel A

Item # A1101
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type
Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Hydrocarbon Extraction

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Used in the beginning of a hot scrub, resulting in needing less adsorbents in the follow up process, because the oil will have less gums making adsorbents more effective. DGC has a low pH of 2.5, but used in very small quantities so as to avoid excessive acidity.

DGC (Degumming Clay)

Item # D1022
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Size(s)

250g, 25g


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type


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Depth Filter Cartridge impregnated with neutral pH activated clay recommended in the Winterization process for removal of lipids and waxes

Filter, T-5‚ Lenticular, 12″, 16 Cell, Flat Gasket Case

Item # 61104
Available Size(s)



Carbon Chemistry

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction

Activated, amorphous magnesium silicate. Used for pesticide removal during the oil purification process. Myclobutanil focused. Can also be used in aid of color purification.

MagSil-PR, Magnesium Silicate


Item # M1048
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

1kg, 20kg, 5kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type


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Spherical molecular sieve bead often used in vapor and liquid phases. Unique pore structure allows for targeted compound adsorption.

Molecular Sieve Beads 10A

Item # M1058
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

139.5kg, 18kg, 2kg, 9kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Box, Drum

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Analytical Laboratory, Hydrocarbon Extraction

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Moisture drying desiccant with consistent adsorption rate. Commonly used for drying propane or butane. Purification of various gas streams and liquids.

Molecular Sieve Beads 4A

Item # M1055
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

149.5kg, 20kg, 2kg, 9kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Box, Drum

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Analytical Laboratory, Hydrocarbon Extraction

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Crystalline composition, easy to use and efficient. Can selectively absorb up to 20% of their weight in water. Used for extending solvent life during ethanol recovery.

ProofUp Beads 3A

Item # P1144
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Size(s)

10kg, 149.5kg, 20kg, 2kg, 5kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction

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Edible oil bleaching clay which is often used in BHO Extraction. B80 is for bleaching and decolorizing. Efficient removal of additional color bodies.

PURE-FLO® B80 Bleaching Clay

Item # P1145
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

110kg, 14kg, 2kg, 900kg, 9kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Hydrocarbon Extraction

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Spherical, powdered, chromatography grade. Commonly used as stationary phase in Column Chromatography. Aids in solution fractionation.

Silica Gel, 60A

Item # S1169
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

1.5kg, 12kg, 500kg, 6kg, 90kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Pail

Use Case

Alcohol Extraction, Analytical Laboratory, Hydrocarbon Extraction

CAS # 7631-86-9
Highly active bentonite clay with a neutral pH. Cost effective for full life cycle. Used for winterization, oil purification, distillation, and overall product improvement. Effective to remediate lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury.

T-5, Activated Filtration Clay, Neutral pH

Item # T1039
Weight N/A
Available Size(s)

130kg, 18kg, 2kg, 750kg, 9kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum

Naturally occurring granular attapulgite. Thermally activated and calcined. Durable granules with high surface area. Moderate media capable of adsorbing color bodies and polar contaminants.

ZeoClearâ„¢ L

Item # Z1011
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Size(s)

110kg, 16kg, 2kg, 800kg, 9kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum

Attapulgite granular media, alkaline medium. Easy handling, fast flow, color improvement. General product improvement with high contaminant absorptivity.

ZeoClearâ„¢ Y

Item # Z1012
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Size(s)

120kg, 18kg, 2kg, 900kg, 9kg


Carbon Chemistry

Packaging Type

Bag, Drum